A single picture can't really summarize a friendship that started when we both got to Riverside, and has kept going through training, racing, winning, losing, weddings, birth, death, and a whole lot of dirty water. Zombie, Riverside won't be the same without you. I think all of us who were fortunate enough to train with you are both better people and athletes because of it. Good luck in KC, and don't worry, we'll come and visit you. Just make sure there's BBQ.
2002: First known image of Zombie on scullingfool. Very blurry 2 seat. Not pictured--the grey beast, the ancient Van Dusen that Rob used when he first got to RBC.
2003: Rob and Deanna got married. The first RBC wedding I attended.
2005: Rob gets a real boat.
2005: Rob strokes the RBC/USA LM4X in Gifu, Japan.
2006: Fall speed order. Infamous buoy is missed.
2008: US LM1X
Early 2009: Luke Zechman meets scullingfool.
2009: We actually turned out ok, after all.
2011: Luke helps Rob blow the candles on his early Father's Day Cake.