days left until the Charles Party!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I am not getting desperate, honest. I am sure I'll get outdoors on my TT bike one of these months.

1 comment:

  1. Looked like you had a pretty good race regardless. Nice bike segment. :)

    My race schedule, currently:
    Mooseman International, June 6th.
    Black Fly Tri, the weekend of July 12th (pure awesomeness, time trial Friday, olympic Saturday, Sprint Sunday).
    TImberman 70.3, August 22nd.
    Appleman in late July is highly likely
    Hyannis Sprint II in early september is highly likely.
    Maybe one more somewhere in there, if it's cool.

    I could be convinced to do a destination running race. Or just a tour of Austin.
