days left until the Charles Party!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Cam, this should be a good one for you. Everyone else, keep your opinions to yourselves!


  1. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Igor: caller you're on the line.. what's on your mind
    Caller: Um yeah... I just wanted to answer "who's in that photo" contest
    Igor: is your name Cam Booth?
    Caller: Um...No.. its SeaBBBBBEEEEEEEEEEEEPP
    Igor: Oh I gues we lost that caller... sorry. Try again if AND ONLY if your name is Cam Booth

  2. (ring ring...ring ring)

    Igor: Hello?
    MI: Hey, It's M. I know the answer.
    Igor: Didn't you learn your lesson last time!?!
    MI: Why yes I did, but I just want you to know that I know the answer! Byea!


  3. Anonymous10:58 AM

    I know the dang answer already, where is CAM?


  4. Cam is test driving Lincolns to win the mixed 2x entry!

  5. Tell him to stop messing around and post a response! Oh, and for the rest of you clowns, Hash was first to id the mystery sculler.

  6. Assuming that Anonymous is Cam, that is correct. :)

  7. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Anonymous is in fact Anna Chapman Crary :)

  8. Correct answer removed, due to the main contestant's current unavailability to post. Sorry Anna, but rules are rules! :) Oh, and hi, how are you?

  9. Welcome back, sir! As a ways of a hint, this gentleman has been at Riverside longer than any of us.
